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Do You Want to Pull the Plug on Electric Vehicles?

Do You Want to Pull the Plug on Electric Vehicles?

There are websites devoted to how awesome science is and we are big fans of science. Science allows us to have more things for less money, and even create a lot of what we need. Solar power is very cool and keeps us powered up at the same time. In fact, if you have invested in an electric vehicle you get a break on your electrical costs and if you have invested in solar power the numbers get even better in a hurry.

For anyone that has invested in an electric car, all they need to do when they arrive home is remember to plug in their car and they are charged up and ready to go! There is technology being developed today that will allow you to forget to plug in and still be ready to go later!

Today, most people who forget to plug in need to reschedule a lot of things at the last minute or rent a car. Unless they have the WiTricity system. This is where the awesomeness of science comes into play. WiTricity has created a system that allows you to place a small pad on the floor of your garage or even one embedded in the floor of your garage and transmit energy to a receiver on the undercarriage of your car to charge your cars battery. Nothing to remember. As Ron Popeill used to say “Just park and forget it!” Full power the next time you are ready to go. This is a derivation on how many cell phones are charged and it works!

WiTricity isn’t the only company doing this. Others involved are Qualcomm, Bosch and Evatran. Many expect wireless chargers to soon be the norm and that means that the days of the power cord on your car are numbered. To give you some idea about the long term viability of the technology Toyota invested $45 Million and plans on investing more. Science is so cool!

This is cutting edge stuff and this is where were are heading as a country and as a company. Keep reading our blogs and Facebook posts and we will keep you up to date! Got questions about solar or geothermal? Call us at (916) 775-7492.