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Does How It Looks on My Roof Matter?

Christmas lantern

Listen in today as your two svelte co-hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small discuss the myriad of options one has to make regarding any of the home energy products. They can range from specifically colored insulation to a more contemporary solar panel. Surprisingly, looks DO matter for some homeowners when it comes to what goes on or into their homes. And when that is an item of demand, you can be sure the manufacturers come up with supply! Too often, however, you don't get the ability to see your energy efficiency improvement products in advance. You just assume they're good and go with it. Well, now you can see, touch, feel and hear how your products are going to be when they show up to your home. The Brower Mechanical Home Energy Exploratorium is a mini me of the average home shown with various types of products that you get to actually experience before you purchase. If you're one of the people for whom "looks matter", you're going to love the showroom...and make a better more educated choice when it comes to your home energy decisions as well.

Check it out on-line @ or call Brower Mechanical today at (916) 775-7492.