Join your hosts, Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small as they move the hot air around in a fashion that helps you say, it feels just right. The hot air in your home, that is, not the production studio! Today's show is about getting your home's heating and energy consumption "just right" for you and your family. Clearly, every home, every person, has what they would deem to be the ideal temperature inside but so often, the home cannot provide that temperature in every room 100% of the time. Today's show focuses on heating in the home with a discussion of the many options you have today to get it "just right". Gas, electric, even hybrid systems now give you the control to do what is best under the circumstances. When things go wrong, so many companies will say you need to replace your HVAC system but the reality is that if your system is less than 15 years old, it's likely a much less expensive repair vs a much more expensive replacement. It's always good to get a second opinion when it comes to a situation of repair vs replace. In many cases, the replacement is not necessary and there's still a good amount of time left with the existing equipment.
This is the time of year these things really manifest themselves so don't let it happen without a good deal of input on your end, give Brower Mechanical a call today at (916) 775-7492 or visit on line at