Well, your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small chill out a bit as they enjoy the cooler temps. That also leads to a lively discussion on how you can benefit in more ways than just using the AC a little less. Now really is a great time to get both the heater and the AC unit revitalized while there’s a bit of a cooling down. Then it’s only one trip, one visit to be there for and you’re set for the next heat wave and the coming cooler seasons.
Doing it all right is the equivalent, as Bill puts it, of driving a gas guzzling vehicle to LA or a gas sipping vehicle. Which do you think is going to cost you less? And costing you less, of course, is what the show is all about. Hear the example of a home in Sacramento that went from estimates of 30+ solar panels while the home was an energy guzzler to how only 16 panels were needed once it became an energy sipper! Now that’s a huge swing. You’ll also hear about AC unit relocation opportunities and how your “anyway” money might be better spent on a longer-term investment. If you’re going to spend it on a utility bill, might it be better spent as an investment in solar or home energy upgrades? You’re going spend it anyway, right? Find out how far your “anyway” money can get you today and learn the most efficient way to save money on your energy expense.
Call Brower Mechanical today at (916) 775-7492. On-Line at www.gosmallsolar.com.