So you’ve heard the abbreviation before. B-T-U. What’s that mean anyhow and how does it tie into Mother’s day? Well, a BTU is a British Thermal Unit and it’s a gauge of heat. And what’s that got to do with Mother’s day? The more people in the house the higher the energy released in the room and the greater the heat. (I know… it’s a stretch!) So your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small want to get into the value of keeping Mom cool. OK, she may already be “cool” but we’re talking comfortable cool!
You know Mom is special and you want to be able to get her something special for a gift on her day today. So don’t go wasting energy on your home. Spend it on a great gift for Mom. The best way to be able to do that is to reduce the expense of your home energy. How’s that for a great analogy to making Mom happy? But seriously, there is a great deal of energy wasted every day. You’re going to hear an incredible story of efficiencies and air conditioning. If your car was supposed to be getting 20 miles to the gallon and was running at 59% efficiency, that would mean you’re only getting 12 miles to the gallon! The majority of homes that go thru a clipboard audit are producing energy at about that efficiency. 59% of the 100% that’s ideal. Ouch! Simple math for everyone, I hope. Don’t let that be the case with your home. Get that 40% inefficiency back and take advantage of that money…for Mom of course. Get your home from a D- and upgrade to an A+ by making that call for a clipboard audit.
Calling the fire department for your hot water tank? That’s what happened in today’s callers’ inquiry. It blew! And that meant no water. A very serious problem but turned out to have an excellent outcome. When you have a problem, Brower Mechanical can come to the rescue. This is also great time for you to take the opportunity and check your water heater. Just a short visual to be sure you’re OK and not be on the receiving end of any surprises.
This is important so be sure to listen up when you’re on the podcast. Before it gets too hot, you may want to start practicing your home energy usage to get used to the “Time of use” billing that SMUD introduces beginning in June. One thing you don’t want to find is that you’re a “Superuser” or some of biggest bills the utility sees from customers. Don’t be that person! Have somebody, anybody you trust, get out to the house and see what you can do to minimize the waste in your homes’ energy systems. Higher bills sap your after-tax income. Get things fixed and start saving money sooner than later.
Enjoy Mother’s day today and then call Brower Mechanical at (916) 775-7492, or visit online at Start saving for Mom next year... today!