Hear from your hosts Duane Knickerbocker and Bill Small as they address changes taking place in various communities throughout the state as natural gas bans are taking place. Lots of dialogue and many concerns about what it means to so many businesses. So far there are more problems than solutions.
Changing Energy Sources, Changing Behaviors
The utility companies are out to help you change your behavior. They’re offering incentives to change from gas to electricity. Not only is this technology an improvement to reducing expenses, it also improves the comfort level in the home. There’s a great case study in the conversation.
Special Circumstances for Backup Power
Today’s caller has concerns about his wife’s medical issues and PG&E power shutoffs. Here’s a great call relative to the interest people have in getting backup power. There are opportunities available for when there is a medical issue in the household but you’ll need to know the proper steps to get the most support. Hear some of the suggestions Duane would address to minimize the anxiety.
Power Tech Is Booming
Battery technology is advancing at an incredible clip and everybody is jumping into the space. You’ll hear Duane and Bill talk about some of the considerations during power outages. Hybrid systems are going to be the norm with solar, generator and battery setups. For more information on what may work best for you, contact us or call Brower Mechanical at (916) 775-7492.