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FREE Clipboard Audit

FREE Clipboard Audit

Reduce Before you Produce!

Free Clipboard Audit Coupon

GO SMALL SOLAR by instituting the reduce before you produce process

Going Small Solar will save you about 1/2 as much as long as you reduce your energy consumption prior to installing solar panels. Making your home energy efficient can reduce the size of the system you need, saving you money both in the interim and in up-front costs.

GO SMALL SOLAR by taking advantage of rebates

If your home is eligible for rebates then you are also going to be able to have smaller solar put on your home. Our technicians know what to look for and what matters in making your home eligible for rebates the Energy Upgrade program.

Our Clipboard Audit is the starting point in understanding how much solar you DON'T need to buy. Fill out the form to the right to get your FREE Clipboard Audit. 

Want to learn more? Call us today at (916) 775-7492 to get "Brower Mechanical's 12 Tips for Reducing Your Home's Energy Consumption."

Be sure to tune into the Brower Home Power Hour  every Sunday at 10:00 AM on KFBK NewsRadio.